You're such a special friend! It's a pleasure to remember you anytime, especially on your birthday. Have a Great day ahead!
The perfect recipe for your year ahead should be 20 percent love mixed with 30 percent luck. Add on top 20 percent courage and garnish it with 30 percent health. Say cheers to life and have a Happy Birthday!
My friend, it's time to pop the champagne, make some noise, dish out some food, throw some confetti and burst some balloons. Celebrate your Birthday, you deserve the best!
Wishing my friend a beautiful day
Hopes and dreams I'm sending your way
May all be good and all come true
On this very special day for you!
Enjoy the music as your friends chant the lovely Happy Birthday song! Make the most of your big day today!
Happy Birthday to you! I wish that your life blossoms into many of your most cherished desires come true.
kamu adalah teman spesialku , saya senang mengingat sesuatu apapun dengan kamu , terspesial di hari ulangtahunmu semoga medapat hari yang luar biasa .
The perfect recipe for your year ahead should be 20 percent love mixed with 30 percent luck. Add on top 20 percent courage and garnish it with 30 percent health. Say cheers to life and have a Happy Birthday!
Yang sempurna resep untuk tahun untuk Anda , mudah mudah anda mendapatkan capuran persen cinta 20 dicampur dengan 30 persen keberuntungan. Tambahkan di atas tersebut 20 persen keberanian dan hiasi dengan kesehatan 30 persen. Katakanlah sorakan untuk hidup dan memiliki kesempurnaan di Happy Birthday!Special friends are a rare find, but am I glad that you are one of mine! Happy Birthday to a friend I'll never forget!
temana yang spesial yang pernah saya temua , tetapi saya sangan senang dapat mengenalimu , selamat ulang tahun temanku ...ini hari bahagia yang tak telupakan bagimu
My friend, it's time to pop the champagne, make some noise, dish out some food, throw some confetti and burst some balloons. Celebrate your Birthday, you deserve the best!
teman ku mari rayakan dengan pop sampanye membuat bebeapa kebisingan , saling melempat makanana dan some confetti dan meledakan beberapa balon ...rayakan ulang tahunmu dengan rasa yang pantas disajikan untk anda
Wishing my friend a beautiful day
Hopes and dreams I'm sending your way
May all be good and all come true
On this very special day for you!
Berharap teman saya hari yang indah
Harapan dan impian saya mengirimkan cara Anda
Semoga semua menjadi baik dan semua menjadi kenyataan
Pada hari ini sangat istimewa untuk Anda
Enjoy the music as your friends chant the lovely Happy Birthday song! Make the most of your big day today!
Nikmati musik sebagai teman bini indah lagu Happy Birthday! Manfaatkan hari besar Anda hari ini!Today is a perfect day to tell you that you are a wonderful friend. Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best today and throughout the coming year!
Happy Birthday to you! I wish that your life blossoms into many of your most cherished desires come true.
It is your birthday, you are more than allowed to act like crazy! It's time you showed the mettle you're really made of!
On your Birthday, I wish you to have the courage to live at least one more dream, fulfill one more wish and make one more person's life beautiful.
Do you know why I never need to ask for any blessings from God? That's because He has given me friends like you! Happy Birthday to you dear friend.
I have three wishes for you on your birthday. First, I wish that this Birthday teaches you something new and beautiful. Second, I wish that you have a day that you'll remember forever with a smile. And third, I wish that such days keep coming in every single day.
On your Birthday, my friend, let's promise to make this year even more fun!
You are such a special friend,
Who deserves a special day,
For being who you are and
Bringing joy in every way.
You make me smile and laugh,
with everything you do,
So today I get to send
A special Birthday wish to you!
Finding a great friend is like looking for a four leaf clover. But I did get lucky! Happy Bday! May beauty and happiness surround you today and beyond.
I've made all arrangements for someone to drive us home. Do you know why? Because we are going to celebrate and have a party for your Birthday!
Am I the first one to wish you Happy Birthday today? NO? The second one? No? Doesn't matter, in my mind I was the first one who thought of you at midnight on your special day :)
I wish that for every extra candle on your cake, you receive an extra reason to smile. Happy Birthday to you!
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On your Birthday, I wish you to have the courage to live at least one more dream, fulfill one more wish and make one more person's life beautiful.
Do you know why I never need to ask for any blessings from God? That's because He has given me friends like you! Happy Birthday to you dear friend.
I have three wishes for you on your birthday. First, I wish that this Birthday teaches you something new and beautiful. Second, I wish that you have a day that you'll remember forever with a smile. And third, I wish that such days keep coming in every single day.
On your Birthday, my friend, let's promise to make this year even more fun!
You are such a special friend,
Who deserves a special day,
For being who you are and
Bringing joy in every way.
You make me smile and laugh,
with everything you do,
So today I get to send
A special Birthday wish to you!
Kamu adalah teman khusus,
Siapa yang layak hari istimewa,
Untuk menjadi siapa diri Anda dan
Membawa sukacita dalam segala hal.
Anda membuat saya tersenyum dan tertawa,
dengan semua yang Anda lakukan,
Jadi hari ini saya bisa mengirim
Sebuah ulang tahun khusus ingin Anda!
Finding a great friend is like looking for a four leaf clover. But I did get lucky! Happy Bday! May beauty and happiness surround you today and beyond.
I've made all arrangements for someone to drive us home. Do you know why? Because we are going to celebrate and have a party for your Birthday!
Am I the first one to wish you Happy Birthday today? NO? The second one? No? Doesn't matter, in my mind I was the first one who thought of you at midnight on your special day :)
I wish that for every extra candle on your cake, you receive an extra reason to smile. Happy Birthday to you!
May you enjoy a day of doingdipublikasikan oleh +Rinal Purba
The special things you like to do,
Because today is your bday
And it's all about only you!
Semoga Anda menikmati hari melakukan
Hal-hal khusus yang Anda ingin lakukan,
Karena hari ini adalah bday Anda
Dan itu semua tentang hanya Anda!
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